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Classroom Rules and Procedures

1. Be Prepared
  • Bring iPad charged to class
  • Bring Pen, Pencil, and Paper
2. Be Kind
  • Quiet when the teacher & peers are speaking
  • Quiet during announcements
  • No put downs
  • No profanity
  • Positive self-talk
3. Work Hard
  • Do your best to complete assignments
  • Advocate for yourself if you need help or more time
  • Keep your area clean
1.Verbal warning.
  • Reminder to student of expectations
2.  Student will be asked to stay with cooperating teacher.
  • "Cool off" and reflect.
  • 10 minutes
3. Conference with student & phone call/email home
4. Conference with student, parent, administrator; behavioral contract
5. Up to administrator's discretion; suspension, opportunity transfer if the behavior issue has not been resolved.
*Please Note:  iPads Must Be Charged for Period 1
Period 1
are my students' first class of the day on A days.
If students arrive to my class with a battery below 40% at the start of class, they will be asked to charge their iPad in the charging cart.
If they need to do so 3 or more times in a month a phone call will be made home and participation points deducted.
This was rule was established to allow students to take  responsibility for their iPads and follow rule #1: Be Prepared.  

*All rules and consequences have been modeled and explained to students on the first week of instruction. Periodic reminders will be implemented. *

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